Monday 23 February 2009

make it ourselves.

We had a fairly successful couple of weeks of making most thngs ourselves in terms of food, I made some more bread that was edible. But it got me thinking about other things we buy 'made' like tofu and soy milk, musli, catfood, cat litter, jam etc. So I think this is going to be an ongoing project.
We have been thinking about making cat food for a while now, the main thing is how to cook it. Neither of us eat meat, we would want a seperate pan for cooking meat for the cats in, also we have to figure out how to buy it. Do we go to a butchers (smells bad!) or to the supermarket (not keen on supermarkets generally, they are a bit too busy) or get someone else to buy it for us? I have assumed that the meat in our catfood is not free-range or organic etc as the tin makes no mention of it. I would prefer our cats to eat meat that has had a happier life and was more ethically raised BUT at the same time, canned catfood is convenient, they like it and neither of us has to cook it. I think I might brave a butchers shop and see how much meat costs (that is another thing I have no realistic idea of) and maybe try a week of making their food. I think I could probably cook a lot at once and then freeze it.
I used to make granola but have just got out of the habit but making tofu and soy milk - that is entirely new. I am going to see if I can find a soy milk recipe which doesn't use a specific machine, and the tofu demo I saw on youtube seems fairly simple so I will give that a go next weekend... watch this space!!

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